Mahmud Anjir Fagnavi
Mahmud Anjir Fagnawi
Mahmud Anjir Faghnavi studied Sufism education from Orif Revgari (the second pir of Bukhara Sharif famous as Mohitobon), he was the perfect man of his time, and gave others the light of truth.
The great sheikh of Khojagon education Mahmud Anjir Faghnavi was born in 1196 according to Arabic sources. He was born in the village of Anjir Faghnavi, Vabkent district of Bukhara Region. Now, this blessed address is called Anjirbog. Sheikh's original blessed name is Mahmud. Mahmud is the Arabic word means praised and good.
The Anjir Faghnavi is the name given to the birthplace of Faghnavi. Also, there are beautiful signs outlined by this person about the fig. Although the texts of the stories are different, they are one essence.

Sheikh Mahmud will be asked to give fruits during the winter season. Then he put their hands on the pure earth,and took fresh figs. The legend about fig was happened by Fagnavi. It is clear that the divine sign should focus on the mystery of the fig. When man's father Adam and his mother Eve asked for leaves from trees to cover their nakedness because of lack of clothing in Paradise, the fig tree only satisfied their request. For this purpose, Allah has glorified figs and revealed in Surat al-Tîn, Surah Anjir.
It is said that mushki anbar (good smell) is made from the animals which are feed by fig tree leaves. So, Anjir Faghnavi also told that people must be useful for others and be good persons.
Mahmud Anjir Fagnavi was handsome man but not tall, was a white person with beautiful nose, and wide mouth with black beard. He had white turban on his head had many prophecy. He was from the generation of sayyids.
Mahmud Anjir Faghnavi with the permission of his teacher, he began to introduce a loud voice remembering (zikri jahriya) which he performed with loud voices. When they ask him about the reasons, he replies: "It is because we have chosen the way of this remembrance, so that to awake those who sleep. Let them be free from ignorance and be submissive to the Shari'ah and the Laws. Let them attain the happiness of the two worlds, the privilege of being a servant of the true Allah. I want to awaken the sleeper and the deceased, so that they should turn to the truth and repent with their Lord in sincerity. Indeed, turning to Allah is a sign and key of happiness."
Mahmud Anjir Faghnavi applied a loud voice remembering at that time with good wishes and the scholars of that time used his action. As a result, from the time of Mahmud Faghnavi until Bahauddin Naqshband they used both silence and loud voice remembering. “Who can do loud voice remembering?” was asked by Mahmud Anjir Faghnavi. “The Sufi whose tongue is free from lie and slander, whose stomach is free from haram food, whose heart is free from the wishes of being famous and hypocracy, whose insight is free from bad things and the world can do a loud voice remembering,” he answered.
According to Mahmud Anjir Faghnavi there is the same aim of silent and loud voice remembering- to reach to truth, Allah. There is importance of situation, advice, wisdom. Mahmud Anjir Faghnavi was the teacher of “the twelve Circle” and brought up many people. In “Rashahot aynul hayot” by Ali Safi there is a story: Khoja Ali Rometani asked Khizr “Whom to chose as a teacher at the moment?” Khizr replied “At this moment chose Mahmud Anjir Faghnavi as a teacher” According to the advice of Khizr Khoja Ali Rometani (famous as Azizon) was a student of Mahmud Anjir Faghnavi.
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