Khoja Ali Romitani was born in the year 591 Hijri (1194 AD) (in some sources it is given as 588 Hijri, 1191 AD) in the village of Kurgan, Romitan (Romaytan) district near Bukhara. Khoja Mahmud was a disciple of Anjir Fagnawi and one of his loyal and great students who served him with sincerity. For this reason, after the death of the person, he received the khogagan silsila. It is the thirteenth circle in "Silsilai Sharif". Known as Khojai Azizon.

The people of Bukhara called him Khojai Nassoj (Weaver Khoja) because he made a living as a weaver. "What is Faith?" - when asked: "To disconnect and connect", that is, to disconnect from this world and connect to the Truth. Khoja Ali is considered the leader of weavers. The nobleman of this high-ranking person, whose blessings are endless, went as far as Rum (Turkey), and Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi once praised that the people of Bukhara would not have followed Khoja Nassaj if the knowledge of the case was not better than the knowledge of the rest.Garna's knowledge of the status quo is still there. Bukhara Khojai Nassojro, member of Banda.

He guided the people in Romitan for several years, then moved to Bovard (Abivard), where he cultivated murids. Finally, I went to Khorezm and settled there. He lived in Khorezm for a while, opened a house and raised a murid, and spread the Khojagan sect in this area.

Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshband said, "We are the children of Hazrat Azizon", he considered himself his successor and follower, and in conversations with his murids, he always talked about the wisdom and merits of Khwaja Ali. He also said: "Two types of zikr have been inherited from Hazrat Azizan: one is zikr jahriya (remembering aloud), and the other is zikr khufiya (remembering silently). "We accepted Khufiya's dhikr because it is strong and preferable."

Khoja Ali Romitani famously said: "If he had been one of the children of Khoja Abdulkhaliq Gijduvani on earth, Mansur would not have gone to the gallows." Because the Khojagan-Naqshbandiya sect isbased on the Qur'an and the Sunnah, a Sufi armed with its teachings could safely pass through dangerous positions, and consequently, the famous Sufi Mansur Halloj would not be hanged.

The great work of Khoja Ali Romitani "Manoqibi Khoja Ali Azizon Romitani" has reached us. It contains Romitani's views and advices related to the ethics of Sufism, the laws and regulations of the Khojagan sect. 10 conditions of the Khojagan sect are described. A small work called "Risolai Azizon" is also attributed to him. It talks about the status of Sufism. The ideas of Sufism are put forward in his poems in Tajik language. He also had a book called "Mahbubul-arifin" ("Beloved of the Sages").

Khoja Ali Romitani had two sons: Khoja Ibrahim and Khoja Muhammad (Khojai Hurd). Khoja Muhammad was a scholar of his time. Khoja Ali gave the letter of guidance to this second son. His disciples called him Khojai Buzurg (senior teacher) and Khojai Muhammad Khojai Khurd (younger teacher).Four caliphs are famous: Khoja Muhammad Kulohdoz, Khoja Muhammad Halloj, Khoja Muhammad Bovardi, Khoja Muhammad Samosi. Bahauddin Naqshband was the disciple of Muhammad Baba Samosi, the caliph of Khoja Ali Romitani.Ali Romitani, who is known as Khojai Azizon and is considered the 

Founder of the Azizon sect, used two separate methods in the interpretation of zikr, public and secret, later Naqshbandiyya adopted secret zikr as a basis and public zikr was abandoned.Khoja Ali Romitani died in 721 AH (1321 AD). In some sources h. It is cited as 715 (AD 1315-16). It is said that he lived for 130 years.

His grave is located in Old Urganch (Tashkhovuz region of the Republic of Turkmenistan), and a magnificent mausoleum was built over it. This blessed shrine is called "Three Hundred and Sixty Pir" shrine. Romitan's mausoleum in the village of Kurgan is considered a place of pilgrimage.


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